Rev Chris Rhodes
The Ministry Home
Join us for worship Sundays at 11 AM
Or Wed. Bible Study at 10:30 AM/6:30 PM
A Husband and a Father
A Son and a Brother
A Pastor and a Teacher
A Student and a Mentor
Above all, a Servant of the King
In these uncertain and unfaithful times, we have a sure and faithful message from the Lord; along with a clear call to take this truth to all the world so that they will know that Jesus is not just the sacrifice for our sins alone, but for the sins of the world.
I look forward to helping to strengthen and encourage you as together we serve...
In the service of the King,
Pastor Chris
Do you need a conference speaker, revival speaker, or guest preacher?
My life simplified to two pages along with details on how to contact me.
From Mission Trips to Block Parties,
From Theological issue to Church Life
And a Lot Inbetween